It is the conviction of the ministry and member of Living Springs Church that there is only One Master who calls us to His Commission. The Master is Jesus, the Son of God, our Lord and Savior. His Commission commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19)
Students who have chosen to enter the Master’s Commission are choosing to dedicate in a special way one year of their lives to God. It is our fervent prayer that they will take their place in the body of Christ to join in the work of the Great Commission. May it be said of them that they are “… vessels of honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.” (2 Timothy 2:21) This is truly the Master’s Commission!
A Christ-centered lifestyle rather that a self-centered one
To have an undistracted relationship with the Lord that is real, life-giving, intimate, and daily
To have a love for God’s Word
To be equipped in basic theology through Bible Classes
To encourage expressive worshippers who will develop worship as a lifestyle
To have a conviction and a desire to represent the Lord accurately in every situation
To have a correct view of whom God is as a loving, caring father and as a ruling king
To know who they are in Christ and to have the freedom to walk in that authority
To fully understand the unconditional love and acceptance of God
To discover and mature spiritual gifts and learn to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit
Prayer - to develop a strong prayer life
To have the heart of a servant leader
To have a vision and relation of joining generations together, and generational transfer so as to further the purposes of God on the earth
To be transformed more into the image and character of Christ
To be self-examining through biblical lenses
To become a self-disciplined person and to deal with procrastination, apathy, and laziness. To have a godly work ethic with a pursuit of excellence
To understand the Christian worldview and to be equipped to apply it to current issues in our world
To be able to speak effectively, equipped to share the Gospel message, personal testimony, and teach biblical truths. To have practical ministry experience
To build a biblical foundation into their lives from which they can launch into their God given purpose
To be trained and equipped to be leaders of people
To desire to give their heart continually to the Lord and to have a submissive attitude towards the leaders He brings in their lives
To have a desire to be a reformer and problem solver in our culture and our world
To develop a strong prayer life through spending time in the Prayer Center once a week
Contact Charlene if you have any questions or would like more information about Master's Commission

Pastoral Assistant - Regina